Low regulatory T-cells frequency is associated with graft rejection after small bowel transplantation: Clinical and experimental evidence
Autores: Rodrigo Papa-GobbiID, Pablo Stringa, Maria Virginia Gentilini , Ivana Ivanoff , Mariana Machuca, Nidia Monserrat Arreola, Javier Serradilla, Karla EstefaníaFernández, Paloma Talayero, María Velayos, Elena Sánchez—Zapardiel , Gabriel Gondolesi , Ane Andrés-Moreno, Martin Rumbo, Francisco HernándezOliveros
Intestinal transplantation (ITx) represents the only curative option for patients with irreversible intestinal failure. Nevertheless, its rejection rate surpasses that of other solid organ transplants due to the heightened immunological load of the gut. Regulatory T-cells (Tregs) are key players in the induction and maintenance of peripheral tolerance, suggesting their potential involvement in modulating host vs. graft responses after ITx. Thus, we investigated the association of Tregs with allograft outcomes in pediatric patients and in an experimental model of small bowel transplantation.
Disponible en: Plos One