Autores: Dan Brown, Adelaida Barrera, Lucas Ibañez, Iván Budassi, Bridie Murphy, Pujen Shrestha, Sebastian Salomon-Ballada, Jorge Kriscovich, Fernando Torrente

Resumen: Maintaining COVID-19 vaccine demand was key to ending the global health emergency. To help do this, many governments used chatbots that provided personalized information guiding people on where, when and how to get vaccinated. We designed and tested a WhatsApp chatbot to understand whether two-way interactive messaging incorporating behaviourally informed functionalities could perform better than one-way message reminders. We ran a large-scale preregistered randomized controlled trial with 249,705 participants in Argentina, measuring vaccinations using Ministry of Health records. The behaviourally informed chatbot more than tripled COVID-19 vaccine uptake compared with the control group (a 1.6 percentage point increase (95% confidence interval, (1.36 pp, 1.77 pp)) and nearly doubled uptake compared with the one-way message reminder (a 1 percentage point increase (95% confidence interval, (0.83 pp, 1.17 pp)). Communications tools designed with behaviourally informed functionalities that simplify the vaccine user journey can increase vaccination more than traditi

Disponible en: Nature Human Behaviour


Autores: Héctor Solar, Mariana L. Ortega, Gabriel Gondolesi

Resumen: Chronic intestinal failure (CIF) is a heterogeneous disease that affects pediatric and adult populations worldwide and requires complex multidisciplinary management. In recent years, many advances in intravenous supplementation support, surgical techniques, pharmacological management, and intestinal transplants have been published. Based on these advances, international societies have published multiple recommendations and guidelines for the management of these patients. The purpose of this paper is to show the differences that currently exist between the recommendations (ideal life) and the experiences published by different programs around the world. Methods: A review of the literature in PubMed from 1980 to 2024 was carried out using the following terms: intestinal failure, CIF, home parenteral nutrition, short bowel syndrome, chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction, intestinal transplant, enterohormones, and glucagon-like peptide-2. Conclusions: There is a difference between what is recommended in the guidelines and consensus and what is applied in real life. Most of the world’s countries are not able to offer all of the steps needed to treat this pathology. The development of cooperative networks between countries is necessary to ensure access to comprehensive treatment for most patients on all continents, but especially in low-income countries.

Disponible en: MDPI

(Effect of Intramyocardial Administration of Baculovirus Encoding the Transcription Factor Tbx20 in Sheep With Experimental Acute Myocardial Infarction)

Autores: María del Rosario Bauzá, PhD, Ayelén Emilce López MSC,  Jorge Alejandro Simonin, PhD, Francisco Stefano Cimbaro, MD, Agustina Scharn, MSc, Araceli Castro, MSc, Cintia Virginia Silvestro, MSc, Luis Alberto Cuniberti, PhD, Alberto José Crottogini, MD, PhD, Mariano Nicolás Belaich, PhD, Paola Locatelli, MD, PhD, Fernanda Daniela Olea, PhD

Resumen: “La terapia génica con un baculovirus que sobreexpresa el factor de transcripción Tbx20 (Bv-Tbx20) ha mostrado potencial para regenerar el corazón después de un infarto agudo de miocardio (IAM). En estudios con cardiomiocitos cultivados y un modelo ovino de IAM, Bv-Tbx20 incrementó la proliferación celular, la expresión de genes angiogénicos, y la formación de nuevos vasos sanguíneos. En ovejas, Bv-Tbx20 redujo el tamaño del infarto y mejoró ligeramente la función del ventrículo izquierdo a los 30 días, sugiriendo que esta estrategia puede promover la regeneración cardíaca tras un IAM “.

Disponible en: JAHA

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